InnoTrans 2018

18. – 21. 9. 2018
The twelfth InnoTrans, an international trade fair for transport, took place from 18 to 21 September 2018 in Berlin. As in previous years, companies associated within OLTIS Group participated in this trade fair as exhibitors. You could visit its exposition in Hall 4.1, Exhibition Stand No.311.
For us, the participation at this trade fair was a great success, both in business and professional aspect. The evidence of our benefit arises from the number of meetings attended by representatives of our current and potential customers, partners from academia and international organizations. We participated in a number of conferences, introduced innovations of our products but also presented new trends in the area of information systems for transport and logistics.
During InnoTrans2018, Commissioner Bulc handed over the Shift2Rail Research & Innovation Award 2018 for the ‘Digitalization’ category to the coordinator of the IT2Rail project. The OLTIS Group Company participated in this project as one of 27 partners.
All our business partners who visited our stand, we thank you for your participation and we look forward to our further cooperation!