
Companies OLTIS Group and JERID participated in the fifth year of Railway Days (Zilele Feroviare), which took place in Bucharest on the 5-6 October 2010. Rail Days are one of the most important events in the railway field in Romania and many representatives of major domestic and international rail companies and organizations meet there.

This year was subtitled “Wider Black Sea Area Railway Summit – Towards a Profitable Railway Sector in the Wider Black Sea Area” in order to reach the railway market in 28 countries – from Poland to Uzbekistan, from Russia to Greece.

The first day of the summit was conducted for all participants together; the second day was divided into three panel sections – Infrastructure, Railway operators and Public transport. The event was also accompanied by an exhibition of railway wagons at the railway station Bucharest North (Bucuresti Nord) and a visit to Bucharest Metro Control Centre (Metrorex). The summit was attended by more than two hundred railway specialists.

OLTIS Group and JERID presented themselves at the summit at the joint exhibition of Czech companies under the auspices of ACRI and with significant support from the Czech Embassy in Romania. In addition to companies presented under the joint exhibition of ACRI (Bonatrans, VUZ, Dako CZ, První signální, ČD Telematika, Moravia Steel, Škoda Vagonka, ZKL and OLTIS Group) also a company AŽD participated in the summit.