OLTIS Group will actively participate in the 12th Annual Fair Kariéra PLUS in Ostrava

We are going to look for new reinforcements to our team during the job fair Kariéra PLUS. This event is organized by VSB – Technical University of Ostrava in its campus and will be held on March 12, 2019. Come and visit our booth, we will be happy to answer your questions concerning a job within the OLTIS Group Company.
More than hundreds of companies and 4,000 visitors confirmed their interest to participate in this fair. Companies offer jobs, internships, trainee program, temporary work for students and also cooperation in terms of diploma thesis. Through this fair, companies can find young and perspective employees from a wide range of fields. Students and graduates from all universities in the Moravian-Silesian region, as well as the general public, come to this fair.
For more information, please visit: http://www.karieraplus.cz