The Circus is Coming!

On Sunday, 8 September 2024, the OLTIS Group’s Children’s Day took place at the Sokol Hall in Černovír, Olomouc, drawing around 100 children and adults. T
his year’s theme was inspired by the circus, and visitors enjoyed an afternoon of juggling and fun under the big top, led by the talented jugglers from Cascabel. They delivered a diverse programme that captivated both children and adults alike. Attendees had the chance to try their hand at various circus skills, including juggling, balance acts, ground and aerial acrobatics, and other thrilling stunts that brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
The children not only enjoyed watching the performances but were also invited to join in and practice some of the circus tricks themselves.
The bravest among them participated in the grand finale, showcasing what they had learned throughout the day.
We are already excited for next year’s event and the new adventures it will bring!