OLTIS Group was a partner of the 7th International Scientific Conference of the University of Pardubice with a subtitle “Thru Efficient Transport to Sustainable Mobility”

6. – 7. 9. 2018
The OLTIS Group Company was a partner of the 7th International Scientific Conference with a subtitle “Thru Efficient Transport to Sustainable Mobility” held on 6-7 September 2018. The conference was organized as a part of the 25 years ceremonies of the faculty foundation and the program was therefore very rich.
The program started at eight o’clock a.m. at the Pardubice Main Railway Station with the introduction of the new coat of the locomotive 150 006, presented on the anniversary in the spirit of cooperation between DFJP (Faculty of Transport Engineering) and ČD (Czech Railways).
The following day, during the plenary meeting at Atrium Palace, Dr. Ing. Libor Lochman from CER (Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies) presented the most interesting lecture on “Strategic Priorities of the Railways in the Legislative Period 2019 to 2024”.
In the afternoon, the Transport Conference 2018 was held and in the early evening, the Academic ceremony to the anniversary of 25 years DFJP existence in the foyer of Arnošt from Pardubice took place.
The following day, after the opening plenary session, the conference was held on expert topics in four parallel thematic sections.
For more information see: http://isc.upce.cz/