OLTIS Group took active part in the Science, Research, Innovation Trade Fair

Our company participated in the Science, Research, Innovation Trade Fair that took place from 9th to 11th March, 2016, on the premises of Brno Exhibition Centre. At the same time as the trade fair, a specialist conference “Science, Research, Innovation 2016” also took place in the adjacent areas.
The company OLTIS Group presented itself at the trade fair with its own stand. Apart from that, the conference attendees could also listen to specialist presentations from the director of research and innovations at OLTIS Group, Mr. Petr Kroča.
On the first day of the conference, his lecture on the topic “Opportunities for Czech entities in European research and innovation programmes” presented to the audience several successful ongoing or completed innovation grant projects of research and development of OLTIS Group with specific examples of implementing the solution outcomes in practice, with a particular focus on projects leading to digitalization in the area of freight and passenger railway transport. He also introduced the current grant opportunities to the attendees and finally, encouraged everybody to participate in these projects and contributed with his recommendations.
Within the supporting programme on the second day of the Science, Research, Innovation Trade Fair, Mr. Petr Kroča presented his contribution on financial tools for supporting research, development and innovations: EUREKA (international cooperation with market-oriented results of research and development), HORIZONT 2020 (framework programme for EU research and innovation valid for the period 2014 to 2020) and SHIFT2RAIL (the first joint European project of railway industry and European Commission for research, innovation and integration of new advanced technologies into innovative railway products and solutions), with regard to the possibilities of financing the projects and with an overview of current open calls in the area of railway transport.
The topic in focus of the first year of Science, Research, Innovation Trade Fair was the implementation of research and development results in practice and a responsible research and innovations. The trade fair offered professionals from various fields the opportunity to meet and to pass on their experience in the area of research projects. Over the two days of the exhibition, the attendees had the chance to get to know the projects of scientific research institutes not only from the Czech Republic.