InnoRail 2017 – 10-12 October 2017, Budapest.

10.10. – 12.10.2017
The InnoRail railway conference will be organized this year for the third time and OLTIS Hungária Kft. will be among the exhibitors. This event has an outstanding importance in the railway sector. The conference itself provides a veritable forum for an exchange of views between various professional fields of railway infrastructure, for the discussion on practical issues and for presenting novel innovative developments, tools and methods. During the three days conference, the organizers are preparing a lot of interesting presentations for each field.
- Jean-Philippe PEUZIAT Head of Unit – Public Affairs, UNIFE, Belgium: Competitiveness of the European rail supply industry: Reinforcing European Leadership of the World Market
- Miroslav HALTUF,Chairman of State Representative Group (SRG), Shift2Rail JU, Czech Republic: Digitalization – a challenge for Shift2Rail
- Riccardo SANTORO,Architecture and Innovation Officer, Corporate Strategy, Plans and Systems, Ferrovie dello Stato, Italy: Machine inferencing on the semantic ‘web of transportation data’ for interoperable customer centric transportation applications
- Bernhard BRUCKNER– Horst KAUFMANN – Michael MIKULANDRA, Kapsch CarrierCom, Austria: Digital transformation and cyber-security
- Zoltán NAGY PhD,OLTIS Hungária Ltd., Hungary: Innovative rail vehicle tracking solutions in accordance with TAF TSI rules
Further information and registration:
We look forward to meeting you at our stand!