Czech Logistics Day 2019

Czech Logistics Day 20111.04.2019
On April 11, 2019, OLTIS Group attended the 5th Czech Logistics Day organized by the Reliant Company.
This event was held under the auspices of the Rector, Ing. Hana Machková, CSc., of the University of Economics, Prague and took place at the Vencovský Auditorium, VŠE Prague, Žižkov.
Nearly 400 participants assembled in the academic setting, listening to lectures from various logistics representatives. One of the speakers was our Sales Director, Mr. Vlastimil Kožej, who presented the topic ‘New Technologies for Container Positioning at the Terminal’.
The Czech Logistics Day is a specialized and social event organized by the Czech Logistics Association. The individual years of the Czech Logistics Day are gradually expanding a tradition founded early in early 2015. Thus, it is a determinant of the European Logistics Association’s European Supply Chain Day, based in Brussels.