OLTIS Group twenty years on the market

Tearing down the Iron Curtain and breaking the communism in the CEE states at the turn of 1980s and 1990s coincided with a huge boom of the information technologies – or that times the desktop PCs, replacing the behemoths of mainframes and minicomputers.
For several daring Czech visionaries this coincidence created a unique challenging opportunity – an opportunity to start the business in the field of PC applications for the railway transport, where the ICT penetration was significantly low those times.
Soon the shortcut words of CHAPS (1993), JERID (1994), CID International (1996), and finally OLTIS (1997) appeared to exist, each founded independently by private entrepreneurs with a strong vision. Their tight cooperation and non-competing existence has resulted in 2004 in merging into a holding called OLTIS Group. The unified trade mark shows the market the capital and development strengths, underlines the broad know-how and capacity to provide various services and to offer solutions for the most demanding applications.
Just to name a few of the dozens of successful products and projects of the holding: IDOS (CHAPS), a European award-winning public timetabling tool; ARES and PARIS (CHAPS), ticketing and reservation systems; ERIC (JERID), the European Railway Information Centre for the freight transport; COLLI (CID) for managing the road transport; KONTI (CID) for operating an intermodal terminal; and not to forget the projects of the today umbrella holding, ISOR RVD/CDS (OLTIS), information system of the operative control for the railway traffic; EMAN (OLTIS), transport, technological, and economic optimization of the marshalling plans in the freight; DK (OLTIS), electronic station inspector; KADR (OLTIS) to provide ad hoc paths for independent access to the railway infrastructure; and many, many more.
After the twenty years of operating on the market the visionaries are by no means slowing down: more issues and challenges are waiting to be solved, more customers raise their ideas to be implemented, and more new progressive technologies are to be exploited in the field of the railway transport and logistics. Let us wish the innovative and development teams at OLTIS Group many more successful projects, strong leadership, and inexhaustible energy for the future.