OLTIS Group Partner of TECHNOLOGICAL CONFERENCE focused on Green Deal

This professional conference focused on the specific factors that will soon affect the business environment in relation to the implementation of the conditions of the European Green Deal strategy. The goal of the strategy is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. For most of us, this is a synonym for absolutely essential competitive obstacles that we, as Europeans, are imposing on ourselves. The ambition of the strategy is to completely change the today’s form of the automobile, energy and construction industries, the air and sea transports, and the agriculture.
A contribution of Jan Kulhánek, Director of Vendor Finance & Full Service Leasing & Prague Branch of CSOB Leasing, gave the participants an idea of how difficult it would be in the future to finance activities not reflecting on the strict European environmental standards. Concurrently, the contributions of GS1 Czech Republic and ROSSMANN introduced possible methods of achieving the set goals through gradual improvement and innovation.
The speeches of the European legislation expert Ondřej Krutílek, the General Secretary of the CESMAD Bohemia association Vojtěch Hromíř, the Ministry of Transport officer for clean mobility Jan Bezděkovský, or the Deloitte environmental lawyer Filip Hlouška in the discussion called How to Survive Green Deal accentuated the need for immediate changes in the strategies of all companies not wanting to lose their competitiveness on the European market in the years to come. The goal of this is to aim the system towards such forms of business which enable to achieve a gradual decrease in the negative impacts on the environment.
More information: https://www.reliant.eu/technologicka/