
Over 300 participants from more than 30 different countries attended the second year of Global Rail Freight Conference (GRFC), held on 6 ‒ 7 July 2010 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The conference, jointly organized by the International Union of Railways (UIC) and the Russian Railways (RŽD), was attended also by OLTIS Group Company.

Representatives of railway companies, logistics operators, international institutions and ministries of transport were among the participants.

Many presentations focused on rail transport between Europe and Asia through various corridors (Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Iran). Transportation within Australia or the Americas, shipments from Japan and the promotion of electronic consignment note CIM/SMGS were presented at the conference.

Conference brought a number of interesting contacts, which can be used within the preparation of the conference IRFC 2011, organized by our organization. During negotiations various forms of participation at the IRFC 2011 (as a speaker, partner, exhibitor, sponsor or participant) were offered to the representatives of companies.
Also the information obtained at the conference is practically usable for our company.