Data warehouse NEWSPED

To process big amount of volume and financial data analytically, a new application of data warehouse for NEWSPED was created. Data warehouse works so that for example at night when the system is not used to full capacity, materials for further display are prepared from current data of NEWSPED. These pre-prepared materials enable display of information at sight of data warehouse within seconds even for large volumes of data. Displayed information are valid at the moment of their display. Data warehouse is then suitable for managerial analyses of large data volumes, for example volumes of transports, supplier´s and customer´s prices or profitability of transports in elapsed periods of time.
Display of information is similar to the principle of contingency tables from the point of view of the user. The user has the possibility to display value data (facts) related according to its belong to certain groups (dimensions). The facts can be of any value, for example transported volumes of goods, numbers of means of transport, cost etc. Dimensions are understood as groups to which these facts belong, for example business transaction, consignment, invoice etc. It is then up to the user what facts to display and according to which dimensions.
At present, data warehouse includes three basic insights: volume insight – volumes of goods transported by means of transport; financial insight – supplier´s and customer´s prices in original currency and converted to a selected currency; and profit insight – volumes of goods transported by means of transport and calculated supplier´s and customer´s prices related to individual consignments.